Product description: The lodging of maize, sorghum and tobacco has caused insufficient illumination, and in turn enormously limite...

QT-DFA Portable plant stem strength tester
Product description: This instrument is to measure plant stem strength against the wind. Users only need to push the instrument ag...

QT-BL01 lightning Rod Components
Product description: This device is to protect outdoor instruments from lighting stroke. Features Non-electronic and long service ...

QT-AT 502 Portable Chlorophyll Meter
Product description: QT-AT 502 Chlorophyll Meter can measure chlorophyll content of plants. Chlorophyll content is an important in...

QT-3051 series Micro soil lysimeter
Product description: A reasonable assessment of water balance and evapotranspiration is an important part of hydrological cycle; a...

QT-2012 Portable Leaf Area Meter
Product description: QT-2012 Portable Leaf Area Meter can be easily used to measure excised or growing leaves and gain fundamental...

QT-1612 Gas-powered Insect Sampler
Application: QT-1612 is a kind of Gasoline-powered 2-stroke heavy backpack insects sampler which can collect various of insect sam...

QT-WM Series handheld Weather Station
QT-WM Series handheld weather station is a mini instrument with multiple functions. It is used to measure wind speed, air temperat...